Pulaski County residents are required to give an appraisal of personal property by contacting the Pulaski County Assessor from January 1st to May 31st every year. Failure to do so will result in a 10% assessment penalty of the total assessment.
Your ad valorem (Latin for “according to value”) general taxes are billed one year behind and are calculated by multiplying the “taxable value” (20% of the appraisal value established by the Assessor) times the millage rate (a mill is 1/10th of a penny). Click to view the 2024-2025 Millage Rate Chart.
There are also city liens, sanitation fees, and special improvement district taxes that are billed separately and must be paid before or with your ad valorem taxes. These taxes are also not eligible for any tax exemptions.
Public Schools
City and County Services-Law Enforcement, Jail, and Government
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Rural Pulaski County