Disabled American Veterans

Click here to view Arkansas Veteran’s Affairs and ALL State Benefits
Do I Qualify?
If you are a 100% service connected disabled veteran, unemployable or the unmarried widow, you may qualify for a real estate/personal property tax exemption.
Arkansas Statute 26-3-306 provides tax exemption for homestead and personal property owned by the disabled veteran and, with restrictions, the surviving spouse and minor dependent children for residents of Arkansas. A disabled veteran who has been awarded special monthly compensation by the Department of Veteran Affairs for the loss of, or the loss of use of one or more limbs, for total blindness in one or both eyes, or for service-connected 100% total and permanent disability shall be exempt from all state taxes on the homestead and personal property owned by the disabled veteran.
- The Veteran/Widow must be on Personal Property Assessment and Title
- The Veteran/Widow must be listed as owner on the real estate property.
- The Veteran/Widow must submit Summary of Benefits letter to their Mortgage company
- The Veteran/Widow is not eligible for the Amendment 79 Homestead Credit or Over 65 Freeze as long as they are receiving the DAV Exemption.
- The Widow of a Disabled Veteran must remain unmarried or a subsequent marriage terminated to receive benefits.
How Do I Apply?
You’ll need to provide a copy of your Summary of Benefits letter which is mailed out by the Veterans Affairs Office in March of each year. If this letter is not received by April 1st, call 1-800-827-1000 or visit Fort Roots Building 65, North Little Rock, AR.
The Veteran must have:
- Summary of Benefits Letter
- Proof of Eligibility Date such as Rating Decision Form
The Widow must have:
- Turn In The Required Documents by:
Pulaski County Treasurer
Attn: DAV Specialist
PO Box 430
Little Rock, AR 72203
Fax: 501-340-5641
What Else Should I Know?
- Deadline to submit Summary of Benefits is October 15th and must be turned in annually. It is encouraged that you submit your forms as soon as received.
- Summary of Benefits letter is a “multi-purpose” letter. Not every Veteran who receives the letter is entitled to the DAV exemption for their Pulaski County Personal/Real Estate taxes.
- If you are moving to another county or state from Pulaski County, you will need to contact the appropriate DAV agency.
- If you are moving into Pulaski County from another Arkansas County, you will need to submit your Summary of Benefits letter to us and notify the prior county.
- If you are selling or purchasing a homestead, you must furnish our office with the settlement papers. The taxes will be prorated for the time of ownership. You must be occupying the home to qualify for the tax exemption.
- Rental property, special improvement taxes, city liens, sanitation, timber, and land only do not qualify for exemption.
- Since Personal/Real estate taxes are considered “voluntarily” paid, this office is unable to refund for previous years of DAV eligibility if the letter was not turned into us.
- Any person violating or attempting to secure benefits under the provision of this section to which he is not entitled shall be guilty of a violation and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than $100 nor more than $1000
- Any other questions? Email our DAV Specialist using the form below or call 501-340-8965